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Sex toys can fuel passion. But it has to be the right toy. Otherwise the love play is anything but fulfilling. When sex toys can be a real pleasure for couples and when it is better to keep your hands off them. It is difficult to estimate how often sex toys find their way into the nightstand. The Germans prefer to keep this secret to themselves - it is still a taboo subject. Sex toys such as vibrators, dildos, love balls, handcuffs and the like are used much less frequently than the media seems to think, says Anja Jones, a qualified sex educationist and member of the German Society for Sexual Medicine, Sexual Therapy and Sexology. From my professional practice, however, I know that dildos and vibrators in particular are far ahead on the popularity scale. However, only a few like to admit that they use them.

VR sex toys belong to the taboos

Women in particular are often ashamed of their desire and do not dare to live it out, Jones knows. Thats why vibrators in bunny and penguin designs and bright colors are so popular. They are more neutral in their appearance. Women should not be ashamed of their sexuality, but enjoy it. Many women have inhibitions to embark on a voyage of discovery - whether with or without sex toys. Thats a pity, because it keeps beautiful feelings hidden from them, she says.

Lay-on vibrators instead of dildos for insertion

Anyone who is curious, whether alone or as a couple, and wants to try out different sex toys should do so and also enjoy it, as the sex therapist stresses. However, women should not only think of vibrators for insertion. This is anchored in many peoples minds. But sex offers more than in and out. Without the direct stimulation of the clitoris bead there is no orgasm for many women. It is the number one pleasure point. About 8,000 nerve endings converge here. We shouldnt ignore that, says Jones and recommends that women try out special vibrators. These provide additional pleasure gain by the larger contact surface. But she also warns against focusing the sexual act too much on the stimulation of the genitals. Sex toys such as vibrators are excitement accelerators. But whether this is meaningful is questionable. Lust takes time. It is much more beautiful and fulfilling if the whole body is included in the love play. Sex is more than penetration and orgasm. Sex is closeness, tenderness, security and trust. Couples should concentrate on that, Jones says. And: Sex can be very satisfying and fulfilling even without a finale. Many couples would put themselves under unnecessary pressure: She wants to have an orgasm. He would give her one. But if everything revolves around this goal, the probability that it will be achieved decreases significantly. The sex therapist would like to see more of the relationship aspect flow into sex instead of the pleasure aspect. After all, sex is what brings the couple closer together than any other situation and also strengthens love. When it comes to orgasm alone, it ultimately doesnt matter with whom I reach it. If the focus is on enjoying the orgasm together, it is on the partner and the relationship with him. That is much more valuable.

Sex toys can complement love play

Sex toys are one of the many possibilities to complement the love play with relish and to make the intimate togetherness more beautiful - provided that both have fun with it. But what the Toys cant do is save their sex life or rekindle a fallen asleep love. Then, according to Jones, it needs more than a vibrating object or handcuffs. If the desire for sex and the desire to be close to each other is missing, something has changed in how we deal with each other. Pornos, lingerie and toys can only be used as a limited countermeasure. It is much more important for the couple to research the causes and find out what they lack and what they want. Open communication is then the most important point and also an important form of intimacy, Jones knows from her sexual counselling. And there is something else to keep in mind when dealing with sex toys: Health must always be in the foreground despite the gain in pleasure. You should always make sure that objects - especially if they do not come from the sex shop but from your own household - cannot break or are sharp-edged. Caution is also advised when playing anal games: It can happen that imported objects cannot be removed without further ado. Special anal dildo are preferable here. Otherwise youll quickly end up at the doctors, says Jones. And the material is not unimportant either: Critical plasticizers, which are suspected of impairing fertility and causing cancer, among other things, are permitted in sex toys. Its better to spend a little more money and use high-quality toys that have been tested for harmful substances. Instead of rubber there are for example also glass dildos. As additional protection you can also pull a condom over the vibrator. And after use, thorough cleaning is of course the be-all and end-all.

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